Devotional for God’s Family – 1

The answers are, as I am sure you have guessed:






Before you role your eyes and disqualify this subject, I want you to hear me out. I believe with all of my heart this is a matter of life and death to the church in the days ahead. I don’t want to argue the legitimacy of these governmental dimensions of Jesus in the church today as much as I want to look at the necessity of these dimensions of Jesus existing in you as you are a part of His movement forward until the end.

When I say dimensions, I am not talking about a Star Trek alternate reality. In the way that a mango has skin, pulp and seed – so the Lord Jesus chose five ways to express the love of the Father to the world. And all five can be clearly seen in His earthly ministry.

The Apostle Paul clearly picked up on them through the Holy Spirit and his careful study of the life of Christ that Paul wrote about in Ephesians 4:11-13.

One of the reasons why this is so important, and we will talk in more detail later, there is one of these that is under tremendous attack right now and a major portion of the church doesn’t even know the attack is happening.

Many many people are comfortable being at home right now. It has gone beyond Covid to convenience. People see no problem at all with their life in Christ at home.

There are people who have legitimate medical reasons for staying away from the local church, but there are also many people who could be at the church gatherings. Those who choose not to be there are cutting off the powerful work of the pastor from their lives.

Many are trying on the concept of relying solely upon teaching. They are becoming comfortable with 1/5th of the presence of Jesus in the church. And the enemy loves this. We will talk later about the pastoral office and why it is critical. I hope you can see the great peril that lays before millions and millions of people.

So, this is why a discussion with you about these facets of the ministry of Jesus and His ministry in the local church today is so very important to your spiritual survival. All five of these have to have expression in you and actually, through you in some format.

Most discussions about these 5 offices of the church deal with the need for them to be in the church, I agree that they are vital for a church to be a church. That is not the direction I want us to go. I would like for us to dig into why my heart and life must embrace them for my health and vitality as a Christian. In other words, if I don’t open my eyes to the expression of Jesus to the world, I am shipwrecked.   

Ephesians 4:11–14 (ESV): And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, 12 to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, 13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, 14 so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes.

All five of these aspects of the ministry of Jesus are given to the church so that the kingdom of God can grow. If anyone is left out, then the church cannot fulfill its purpose. All five must be embraced and understood by every believer who has the capacity to know. Not only do we understand them, we work together to build the expression of these in increasing measure inside and out side our churches.

When the Bible tells us that we are the body of Christ…

1 Corinthians 12:27 (ESV): “Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.

It means that we are indeed the expression of Jesus in the world. In the same way that He lived His earthly life fulfilling the will of the Father, you and I are to do the same. Following the same pattern Jesus did.

But we must first accept the reality of my need to operate in and around them for my personal spiritual health.

1 John 4:17 (ESV): “By this is love perfected with us, so that we may have confidence for the day of judgment, because as he is so also are we in this world.”

Can you see it? If you do, then you know how important it is that we do not miss what we are being told. There is a direct attack on the body of Christ going on today. It is spiritual, not physical. People who were once a part of the house of God are being drawn away.

One by one over the years the enemy has been diminishing the dimensions of Jesus from the local church. One by one the enemy has taken aim on the apostle, prophet, evangelist, and now pastor. He wants to cut the head off the body completely so he can step in as the head. And there is a majority of people who call themselves believers in Jesus who are completely on board with what the enemy is doing.

Not so you!

The Devil looks to remove Jesus from the church so that the Holy Spirit isn’t the one leading. The Devil is a spirit, not a physical person like Jesus. He needs flesh and blood to do his bidding, and he has had his sights on the church ever since Jesus started the church.

Not so you!

If the scripture tells us that Jesus gave something to the church to build the people who are the church and to keep the church from deceitful doctrines… (which come from the devil) do you think that what we are studying might first, be important and secondly, apply to you?

It applies to every last one of us. The time is here to go back and look carefully at what Paul said.

After all, listen to the Apostle’s words as he writes to Thessalonica.

2 Thessalonians 3:1 (ESV): “Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored...”

My prayer for you is the same.

Lord, as we embark on a spiritual journey to recenter our minds and hearts on what You desire, please let the words quickly make their way into us and when Your words touch our lives I pray that we would honor what You say to us. Lord, we want to esteem and hold high Your truth. Lord, I am afraid that even what we have heard in the church has been of the world. I confess that in my past I have held onto teaching that disqualifies specific aspects of who You are Jesus. Lord, today I receive all what the Bible commands, all of what You want for us. Please give us wisdom and understanding to discern truth.

Devotional for God’s Family – 2

Why is an apostle today in our world important to you? By-the-way, hopefully you have already addressed the reality that apostles exist today.

I was taught as a child that apostles don’t exist anymore. The thought process went something like this, once the Bible was canonized, there was no longer a need for apostles. If a person could understand what an apostle is, it would be easily understood that apostles are not the Word, Jesus is the Word. Apostles are merely the vehicle through which the Word is distributed and exported into new places. Once the Bible was canonized, we had an even greater need for apostles.

The misleading aspect of apostles that I was taught as a youngster was that there were only 12 apostles. All you have to do is a basic Bible study to see that believing there was only 12 apostles is false in every stretch of the imagination.

Along with the prior teaching was a false assumption that if a person didn’t receive personal one-on-one ministry from Jesus you couldn’t be an apostle. In other words, there were only 12 apostles because only 12 men received direct ministry from Jesus.

I agree that the original 12 Apostles had a high and extremely specialized call from Jesus and were authenticated through direct ministry from Christ. But it is an extremely erroneous leap to say that apostleship ended after that. You literally have to abort and deny other passages of the Bible to believe that there were only 12 apostles.

You can say there were only 12 like the originals, but you can’t say they were the only apostles.

I have listed passages in Scripture which can not be refuted regarding apostles after the 12. But, I encourage you to go and do your own Bible reading and determine for yourself what the Bible says.

Here are some Bible passages to read.   

Acts 14:14–15 (ESV): But when the apostles Barnabas and Paul heard of it, they tore their garments and rushed out into the crowd, crying out, 15 “Men, why are you doing these things?

Barnabas was not 1 of the 12.

1 Corinthians 4:6–9 (ESV): I have applied all these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, brothers, that you may learn by us not to go beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up in favor of one against another. 7 For who sees anything different in you? What do you have that you did not receive? If then you received it, why do you boast as if you did not receive it? 8 Already you have all you want! Already you have become rich! Without us you have become kings! And would that you did reign, so that we might share the rule with you! 9 For I think that God has exhibited us apostles as last of all, like men sentenced to death, because we have become a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men.

In verse 9, Paul uses a plural form of apostle to include Apollos, who is not 1 of the 12.

1 Thessalonians 1:1 (ESV): Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy…

1 Thessalonians 2:5–6 (ESV): For we never came with words of flattery, as you know, nor with a pretext for greed—God is witness. 6 Nor did we seek glory from people, whether from you or from others, though we could have made demands as apostles of Christ.

In verse 1, Paul names 2 men besides himself and in chapter 2:5-6 refers to them as apostles, these 2 are not named in the 12.  

Philippians 2:25–26 (ESV): I have thought it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus my brother and fellow worker and fellow soldier, and your messenger and minister to my need, 26 for he has been longing for you all and has been distressed because you heard that he was ill.

The word “messenger” in the Greek is apostle, Epaphroditus is not 1 of the 12.

2 Corinthians 8:23 (ESV): As for Titus, he is my partner and fellow worker for your benefit. And as for our brothers, they are messengers of the churches, the glory of Christ.

The word “messenger” in the Greek is apostle, Titus is not 1 of the 12.

With this list recorded in Scripture there are more than the 12 Apostles that we have come to know through the ministry of Jesus. The original 12 were hand selected by Jesus to start the church and have a very special place in our christian history. However, for someone to conclude that there were only 12, and none after, one would have to declare scripture in error, because we find that there are indeed more apostles recorded in the pages of scripture.

I encourage you to do your own study and see if what I am sharing with you is true.

Jesus is our Apostle and High Priest.

Hebrews 3:1–2 (ESV): Therefore, holy brothers, you who share in a heavenly calling, consider Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession, 2 who was faithful to him who appointed him, just as Moses also was faithful in all God’s house.

We are also apostolic. Meaning that we operate in the fashion of an apostle. Which means there must be apostles for us to be apostolic. I guess a church can be apostolic even if there are no apostles. It would be like a bakery with no bread, though, I guess that’s possible.

Don’t be afraid of these words, think about them. I am not trying to deceive you at all. You can ask the Lord Jesus to only allow truth into your mind. But remember, the only sure way to assure truth is to find it in your personal study. I really want you to pursue personal study.

There are several things that happen inside an apostolic church that I want you to be aware of. They aren’t spooky, they are life giving and powerful. In order for us to see the name of Jesus lifted high in this world, we must have apostolic churches and apostles who will develop strategies and momentum to accomplish what Jesus directs us to do.

So, in our next devotional we are going to dig deeper into what is a modern day apostle and maybe even more important, what isn’t an apostle, what does this mean to us? Because The New Testament writers and Jesus too, offered warning against false apostles who mislead the church into falsehood.

For today, I would like to pray for you, this topic is one that is not easily understood and I want you to be blessed and filled with the Holy Spirit with no fear or worry. Also, I would like you to walk in the fullness of the power of Jesus, as He did.

Lord, we need You in our church. Let us never be a church like Laodicean that tries to have a church without You. Jesus You sat outside asking for entrance into their church. We want You to be the center of our personal life and we want You to be the center of our church. Where can we go without You? What can we possibly accomplish if You are not there? We need You and are completely dependent upon Your presence as we go forward with truth. Firmly plant truth at the core of our being and let us never depart from it. Thank You Jesus.

Devotional for God’s Family – 3

I have been reading a wonderful book written by Noel Woodroffe. In this work he outlines some very interesting and compelling ideas that he gleans from the Bible regarding apostles. And when I say apostles, I mean apostles of today.

I want you to hear me out, and also I want you to stay consistent with our objective, and that is answering the question whether or not these Biblical offices and gifts exist today, what does this mean to me and what should I do with that information? In other words, how do I embrace and change in light of this truth.

There are some misconceptions regarding apostles in our day. Allow me to snuff out some improper assumptions that are common to.

Apostles are the people who plant many churches and yet we look at Peter who did not plant many churches.

Apostles possess great revelation and yet we do not have any record of Barnabas writing and books or being used by the Holy Spirit to write revelatory truth.

Some believe apostles are senior in years and ministry. I think sometimes we are so drawn to titles that we look for new titles that go beyond normal leadership. So some have applied the title of apostle to themselves as a sign of advancement.

These are but some of the misconceptions that Noel writes about. Apostle is by no means a title to give a person, it is a functionality in the kingdom. Much like the term soldier. Paul considers the role of apostle as a lowly function.

1 Corinthians 3:9–10 (ESV): For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building. 10 According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building upon it. Let each one take care how he builds upon it.

So often we are skeptical of those who call themselves apostles because it seems to come from pride and merely a ploy to elevate self. Paul anticipates that others are actually going to finish the work he started. He is giving his ministry away to others and sees how important it is that others pick up where he leaves off.

1 Corinthians 3:21–23 (ESV): For all things are yours, 22 whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future—all are yours, 23 and you are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s.

Paul takes no ownership of his ministry to others, he isn’t building his personal  kingdom with his role as apostle, he is building the kingdom of God. In that is a constant release to those he ministers to.

1 Corinthians 4:3–4 (ESV): But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by any human court. In fact, I do not even judge myself. 4 For I am not aware of anything against myself, but I am not thereby acquitted. It is the Lord who judges me.

Paul the apostle is not pleasing people to keep some status that he has built for himself. Clearly you can see that he answers to God. He moves by the direction of the Holy Spirit and in that, his eyes are fixed upon Jesus and the sole reason for ministering comes from God and the glory goes back to God. This is the heart of the apostle.

This last passage on the heart and character of apostles I believe sums up what I want us to take away from this devotional.

1 Corinthians 4:9–10 (ESV): For I think that God has exhibited us apostles as last of all, like men sentenced to death, because we have become a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men. 10 We are fools for Christ’s sake…

Paul considers himself in the role os apostle as the lowest, not the highest as we have made apostles out to be in our worldly ways.

One more misconception regarding apostles that I believe will act as a good litmus test for us is how an apostle becomes an apostle. Neither Jesus nor Paul became apostles by their own bidding. Both were called and sent by an authority in their life, not themselves.

Notice Jesus

John 20:21 (ESV): Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.”

Immediately following Paul’s conversion this was spoken to his first mentor.

Acts 9:15–16 (ESV): Go, for he is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel. 16 For I will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name.”

The call to apostleship comes from outside the person. God uses a person or a group of people to do this work.

Friend, who do you listen to that can speak into your life at that level. If God works through others to raise up in you His will, are you in any kind of assembly where you are known so that God can speak to you this way?

ALL-THE-TIME I see people who abort God’s process of being raised up in the local church. They declare themselves prophets and apostles – even pastors and teachers, all outside the church. God doesn’t do this. Humility carries a person’s ministry forward and causes it to grow in God’s time. Commit to being present in the gatherings so that God can work to raise you up.

Right now, I am speaking to you apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher.

The church needs you – but you cannot have what God wants you to have without embracing His way. Through humble beginnings, through humility and vulnerability, through relationship and loving scrutiny. Come, step forward into your call.

Lord, how many sit on the sidelines of faith because of brokenness? How many who you have anointed in a powerful way look from afar at the impact they could have through you? How many have turned their head away from faith and service because of hurt and bitterness? God, don’t let the enemy win! Bring them back, intensify the call that You sent to them at first. Bring them back to the place of formation and sending. Thank You Jesus that You go after the 1.

Devotional for God’s Family – 4

1 Corinthians 1:1 (ESV): “Paul, called by the will of God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus…”

There is so much to talk about regarding apostleship. There are so many things to think about pertaining to the life of an apostle before we can even address what an apostle does. It is all so clearly seen in how Jesus came to earth, how He loved people and served everyone.

I want you to know that I didn’t understand that there were modern day apostles until it was spoken to me, until I was called by trusted friends and ministers. I am going to tell you the story so that you can understand. Perhaps in doing so my story will stir the juices that flow through you. The river of the Holy Spirit stirs in you and maybe this story will break the banks of your mind and cause you to be flooded and filled as it did me.

I remember the day that everything changed, the day it all started in my life. I give honor and glory to the Lord Jesus for His wisdom and providence.

I have been a Christian for many years and serving in the church for many years too. But even as a youngster, I was always sensitive to the internal workings of the church. What Paul would say to the churches would resonate in me.

I was (am) drawn to the words of Jesus in the epistles that He wrote in Revelation 2 and 3, as He inspects and instructs the local churches. As I look back, the gears and parts of the apostolic engine were placed in me at my new birth, but they were not activated until it was spoken to me from outside of me.

Here is how it all started to come come about over 10 years ago.

Karen and I were in a church gathering and were on the platform being prophesied over and it was a beautiful and encouraging time. I wanted the congregation to be at ease and not be afraid of seeing the wholesome and powerful work of Biblical prophecy taking place in the church.

So we thought best that Karen and I would go first so that everyone could see what the experience looks like. After some worship, Karen and I sat down on the platform and the prophetic team began to minister to us in front of the congregation.

I believe this was the first time for Karen and I to go through this.

1 Corinthians 14:3-4 (ESV): On the other hand, the one who prophesies speaks to people for their upbuilding and encouragement and consolation. 4 The one who speaks in a tongue builds up himself, but the one who prophesies builds up the church.

What you just read is exactly how it felt to be in the submitted position. We were encouraged, consoled and the church (South Bay) was being built before our very eyes as we received a bird’s eye view of where we had been and where we were going, and God used several individuals that didn’t really know us, or the congregation. That was the miraculous part.

You see, South Bay Church had come through some great hurdles and we were now stable as a church. It was time for our eyes to be lifted off of our wounds, we weren’t simply surviving anymore. It was time to get to work and become what God had in mind for us to be and do in this region of Florida.

Karen and I sat as Clem Ferris and his prophetic partner spoke comfort, encouragement and edification into our souls and direction for the church. What a great and awesome gift God has given to the church – the work of prophecy.

1 Corinthians 14:1 (ESV): Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy.

And then, as we were sitting there in front of the congregation, a phrase came out like a siren from a firetruck. “David you are an apostle.” Friends, I didn’t ask for it, understand it or really at the time want it. As a matter of fact, I started to sweat and worry, I honestly didn’t hear much after that.

I thought it was error, because I really questioned whether apostles even existed in our day. I had never done a personal study on the subject, I simply listened to what others said about the subject. This thrust me into personal study, and then it became clear to me.

Thank You Holy Spirit for speaking to us from Your Word!!!

Prior to this, there was no need to believe or pursue the apostolic in my life. I am a pastor and I did what pastors do. I teach, preach, build ministry and love people. However, all along I felt as though I was swimming in a different direction than most of the pastors that I knew. I couldn’t understand why pastors in the region didn’t get along and collaborate more with other ministries.

I couldn’t understand why the church leaders spent more time empowering the senior leader than the senior leader did empowering the people. I didn’t understand how ministry leaders couldn’t see beyond their own property line and most everyone beyond that property line was an enemy.

Nor could I understand the idea that is so prevalent in our churches today that the staff are pro’s and the congregation is there to spectate and not participate.  It is as though the congregation sits in the stands as the “team” is on the field wowing them.

All these things were the engine parts and Dr. Clem in that moment of prophecy turned the engine on – God used him to activate the gift.

Little did I know that the seeds of the apostolic were planted into me at my spiritual birth but this prophetic gathering was what God used to call them out and require development – like any of the gifts Jesus gives.   

Since that day, I have been on a deliberate and intense study, this has been going on now for over 10 years. I embrace that office and call today 100%. The weight of it has driven me down into introspection and attempting to understand…humility.

To be like Jesus and to be like Paul who so clearly emptied themselves and were so powerful in their work is what I would like to do. I have such a long way to go. It seems that the further that Paul descended into humility the greater the impact of his call. I do want to travel that road.   

Not only for my own benefit, but for yours as well. The reason behind this whole study is for you. I want you to recognize your call. And I want the weight of that call to make you want to go lower, not higher.

Character will carry you further in ministry than anointing. However with a strong base of character supporting a strong anointing, you can serve King Jesus quite well. So often we want to take our anointing to God and talk with about that, my suggestion to you is to take your character to Him first – settle that between the two of You and watch what He does with your anointing.

Lord, let us embrace You, lead us to this. All of what Paul describes in Ephesians 4:11 are You. To leave any out is to cut out who You. Lord, today, again I accept and embrace You, for in doing so, I can understand my identity formed by You at my second birth. Blow my mind, shake me up, Reveal to me more so that I can be what You said I am. Lord, the closer I get to You the more I understand me. Have mercy on us Lord. Thank You for Your patience and understanding.

Devotional for God’s Family – 5

1 Corinthians 1:1 (ESV): “Paul, called by the will of God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus…”

To be honest, after the prophetic word spoken on the platform that Sunday morning, I was troubled in my mind. I was concerned what was going to happen to the church. Because if I struggled with the idea of modern day apostles, what would everyone else think?

So, the following Wednesday evening was a regularly scheduled meeting with the church leaders as we customarily conduct our church business. I was nervous and ready to chalk it up to one of those things you do once and never again. I was ready to receive my chastisement and move on. After all, these men come from various denominational backgrounds, some Methodist, Baptist, non-denominationalist, etc… We all love each other and walk in appreciation of our negotiable differences.

I certainly did not want division or fracturing of the relationships we had developed over the last few years. This was really a sweet group of men. So, I started the meeting by apologizing for what happened on Sunday morning.

They looked at me strange and said, “David, we as your Elder Body affirm and confirm everything that was said to you, especially that you are an apostle.” They proceeded to point to many things over the last years of my life that were the gears and engine parts of the apostolic, laying dormant.

They were excited to see me embrace and develop into what God wanted. They seemed much more sure than me. I thought that something was moving forward in the church and I seemed to be the one that was holding it back.

Later that week I sat with a good brother, friend and fellow pastor in the community – he is a faithful man of God and we have known each other for many years. As, close friends we know each other well, and even today, we are watching our kids fall in love and we think that there is a wedding in the near future. It is rich to share these good things with close friends.

Anyway, back to the past, I told my friend Len about my experience on Sunday morning on the platform and then with the church leadership on Wednesday night. As we were sitting in an Asian restaurant over lunch, you know, quiet, peaceful and tranquil setting to carry on whisper conversations, he reaches across the table to my side of the booth and grabs my hands and pulls me over so that I am stretching across the table and says in a loud voice, “David Speicher, you accept that mantle of apostle right now in the name of Jesus Christ!” He said, Say it! Say it right now before I let go of you!”

So, you can imagine my drive home. It seems that others around me believed more of what was in me than I did.

Here we are now, three separate and strange experiences. God was doing something, He was starting an engine in me. I didn’t ask for it, really didn’t understand it, but I couldn’t deny that God wanted me to see it and accept it.

So, I prayed and said, “Lord, I accept the role of apostle by faith.” Once I made my heart and mind open to what Jesus wanted, God began to help me see in His Word the truth. That’s how His Word works. We declare it true even though we don’t understand it. We declare it true by faith.

Even in the transforming of our life, we see that God says that we have freedom through the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. And as we may not have freedom just yet, by faith I believe that what God said is true. So by faith I reach out for it, trust God’s Word and that’s when freedom comes, by faith, not by my works.

I had to go through the same process with what I believed and didn’t believe regarding the five-fold ministry of Jesus in our day.

Maybe you are there too. Maybe God has placed in you gifts and service to His church and you are having a hard time believing it. I will tell you what, this is precisely why the enemy wants to separate you from others.

In my story, if it wasn’t for others in my life, I would still be clueless. I needed others to say things to me that started and affirmed what God was doing. Don’t fall prey to the idea that you can do this on your own. If you have never had someone else speak to you and activate the gifts in you, then I encourage you to get into a position to hear others that know you in this way.

Because one of two things is going to happen. The first is that you will miss the blessing of a miraculous gift God placed in you for the church. Or two, even if you have figured out what you think your gift is, like me, it will lay dormant and not activated to its fullest extent without others speaking that gift into activation.

We have work to do as we press forward into the end time. People around the world are hungrier today than in any recent time. I am watching as God is pruning the church so that we can bear much fruit toward the end. But, it is going to be God’s fruit, God’s way. That means that the fruit you bear will be through His designed plan and purpose He built into you.

Whether you understand it or not, faith is the key.

Pray this prayer.

Lord, by faith I receive from You all of what You want me to have. Even though I may not completely understand, I accept what is in Your Word. Lead me to experiences like Pastor David that will jostle me and shake me like You did with him, so that I do not miss the calls, gifts and plans You have for me. I surrender my understanding to You. Lord, I want to serve You to the fullest – I surrender to You. Thank Jesus.


Pastor D