Devotional for God’s Family  

1 Corinthians 10:31 So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

As we have been thinking about this week, there is no middle ground. The Bible speaks of light and darkness. Good and evil. We can think that there is mostly middle ground in this world. Those things that are kinda of God, and kinda of this world. We can rationalize that since God is so big, He doesn’t really care about all the things that I do.

The truth of the matter is, God does care about everything that you do. Even though we are not able to live perfectly, God’s mercy and grace is here to help us on our journey while on earth.

Our sight and experience shouldn’t determine the truth of God’s Word. God’s Word should determine the definition of what we see and hear. This is why we get into trouble. So many people lose their way because they don’t know enough of God’s Word. Most people today do not read the Word and are not familiar with it.

They rely on other people around them to live strong – but what happens when God calls those people away, or home, then what? I will tell you what, a lot of scrambling and failures that do not have to be.

Honoring the Word of God in your life by reading it will help you know what truth is and what it isn’t. The world you live in is perpetually deceived, and in our day, there is a greater deception than has ever existed. This world is being set up like flies and fly paper for the final deception.

A person who makes the Word of God valid by their experiences is a person who is deceived. A person who by faith believes the Word of God and stewards that Word and makes opening in their life for the Word to be lived out is a true worshipper of God.

I am watching (as you are) a great distress upon people as they attempt to believe the Bible as true and also make room for the philosophy of the world and the teaching that is present in our day. Sometimes you can hold both and it is doable, at other times you will be forced to decide which is right and which is wrong.

In my lifetime, I have never seen the amount of people in the church, on various issues who have regarded the Bible as untrue, outdated or irrelevant. Masses of people who cannot reconcile truth. Masses of people who no longer hold the Word of God as authoritative. Their experience in life has shown them that what the Bible says is wrong, outdated or obsolete.

This is no shock to God, He has seen this from day one. Ever since the Garden of Eden, the high unclean spirit Lucifer, has been asking people regularly, “Did God really say…” (Genesis 3:1)

He is asking that question much more today than ever. People look at the Bible and say, “This can’t be true, look at all the people who believe the opposite of the Bible, they can’t be wrong.”

Friend, where do you stand on the belief that the Bible is or isn’t the Word of God? Maybe a better question than that, which ties us into the topic of light and dark or cursed or not cursed is this, “How does the way you think and live answer the question whether the Bible is true or not?”

No one wants to be deceived. Yet many are. Usually, no one purposefully chooses the wrong thing. Most people try to choose what they think is right. The devil attempts to shift the core of a person from truth outside of a person found in the person of God, to internal relative truth based on what I feel and cultural norms.

Even in the question that Lucifer asked Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:1, he was eroding God’s authority and strengthening Adam and Eve’s reliance on their own choice as to what is right and wrong. All of this in the form of that little sentence, “Did God really say?”

My suggestion for you is to determine before you get there, before a cultural issue is even placed in front of you, that whatever God says is truth. It doesn’t matter what it is, or what the world says about it, if God said it is so, it is so!

Doing so is to live a life of faith. And it is to live in the light. That light is the light of the glory of the gospel of peace. This light is a gift from God to you. In that light is satisfaction.     


Pastor D