Devotions for God’s Family

1 Corinthians 4:15–21 (ESV): For though you have countless guides in Christ, you do not have many fathers. For I became your father in Christ Jesus through the gospel. 16 I urge you, then, be imitators of me. 17 That is why I sent you Timothy, my beloved and faithful child in the Lord, to remind you of my ways in Christ, as I teach them everywhere in every church. 18 Some are arrogant, as though I were not coming to you. 19 But I will come to you soon, if the Lord wills, and I will find out not the talk of these arrogant people but their power. 20 For the kingdom of God does not consist in talk but in power. 21 What do you wish? Shall I come to you with a rod, or with love in a spirit of gentleness?

In the last few devotionals we have looked at the importance of being in a mindful place to receive from spiritual fathers.

The Apostle Paul makes very clear that the congregation at the Corinthian church needs to have a spiritual father. We have also looked at the distinction that he makes between leaders and fathers.

Leaders are those important people who help others get from point “A” to point “B”. These are important people and belong in the church, otherwise Paul would have said to steer clear of them.

Leaders and guides are critical to remaining on point. A father is different, a father is in relationship with the children and is present and aware of his role to raise the kids. This is done through care and love inside of an accepting relationship. The father is the need meeter in the kids. He is the one who senses what is needed and then provides what is needed.

The kids don’t always like the food provided, but that’s normal for kids.

We saw that it is part of God’s plan to bless all His children. God desires for His kids to be in some sort of fathering relationship inside churches. Of course, this is open to various ideas and interpretations. Of course, this is going to be understood and walked out in many different stylistic formats – that is to be expected.

What we must all see is that the premiere design of God for the flow of His blessing is through the impartation that fathers do.

We have addressed the idea of receiving from fathers, can we talk for a moment about releasing as a father? Fathers release. This could go in quite a humorous direction, however, let’s stay on point and not run out of gas.

If we are to put ourselves in a position to receive from spiritual fathers, then we also have to be aware that on the other side of the coin is the potential for all of us to be fathering or mothering others.

Sometimes we make assumptions that because I have seniority, I am a father or a mother. Unfortunately, sometimes that is true. We are inclined to agree with that because of the biological fathering we do.

Here is a very important aspect to spiritual fathering that many people miss.

Spiritual fathering is by invitation only.

You can make as many assumptions about what you are and what you ought to be because of this or that credential or life experience or position, but only the person who is to be fathered can accept the one who is to father.

Spiritual fathers can never demand their role as a spiritual father. That will only come through invitation on the part of the one who wants to be fathered, and often it isn’t even verbal. There is simply an entrusting that says, “I will receive from you.”. This is why I started the devotions about fathering the way that I did. Each of us needs to have opened the door in our hearts to being fathered spiritually. We have to say of someone, “I am willing to receive spiritually from you.”

Paul never demanded it from those that he ministered. He made strong appeals to help them to see the need they have for being fathered.

In the ministry positions that you have, small or great, it doesn’t matter. Please live a life that makes others want you to be in theirs. This is the open door to fathering.

Here are some false assumptions about fathering others:

1. Because I have a position, people have to be fathered by me.

2. Because I have the most experience, people will be fathered by me.

3. Because I know the most, people will want to be fathered by me.

4. Because I hold the power, people will want to be fathered by me.

5. Because I have a strong anointing or gifting, people should want to be fathered by me.

Do you see where all that is going? It is a sad thing when a person has a position for spiritually fathering others and yet no one wants to be fathered by that person. Because it is a position of authority, they resign to leading and guiding – and it seems good from the outsider’s view, but the flow of blessing is interrupted because no one wants to follow.

The biggest thing to be an attractive spiritual father is character and care. Work more on that area of your life, than on your ability to lead and guide people and you will do just fine.

Lord, we bless Your name. We believe that You are our Father. You are our eternal and everlasting Father. We thank You that no one can lay claim to that, only You. We are blessed beyond our understanding for Your desire to Father us. We acknowledge Your plan and desire for us to be loved and cared for through spiritual fathers on earth, until that day when in heaven we will know You and will be fathered by You forever. How blessed we are! How wonderful it is to be Your children. We praise You Father for making a way for us through Your Son Jesus.


Pastor D