Devotional for the Family of God


1 John 2:28–29 (ESV): And now, little children, abide in him, so that when he appears we may have confidence and not shrink from him in shame at his coming. If you know that he is righteous, you may be sure that everyone who practices righteousness has been born of him.

Did you know that Jesus is returning soon?

Do you roll your eyes when you hear me say that?

Let’s take a second and not look at the proof of happenings around the world that indicate that what I am saying is true, no.

Let’s take a look at the attitude of those who constantly look for the return of Jesus to snatch up the church.

This may be a new thought to you, but the reason why many people study the Bible and talk about end times stuff is because they deeply long for the return of Jesus. Everyone who studies eschatology knows they could be missing the date or the way that the end will happen.

The Bible does not specifically say when. But most all those who study, have this commonality: they long for the appearing of Jesus. Is this something that we all should have, you ask?

2 Timothy 4:8 (ESV): Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing.

This is a wonderful test for us. We can test wether we long for the things in this world more than the return of Jesus. Friend, what do you find when you look at your wanting. What are you hoping for the most? Is it more money?  How about revenge against someone who hurt you or took something from you that is irreplaceable? What about a promotion or the fulfilling of a life long dream?

When Jesus returns, all of the hopes that exist in this world are dissolved. It’s very much like when we were in grade school and the teacher is asking questions on a topic you are interested in and you have your hand up ready to engage. You know the answer and you are waiting for the teacher to choose you to speak. You are trying to put your hand higher than anyone in class because you want to be called on. And just before the teacher picks you, the bell rings and its time to head outside to play. It’s recess and the race to be first in line for the swings is at hand.

All that happened in the class is behind you now and you are on to better things. When Jesus appears, we are on to better things. We sit in the classroom with many topics and activities…some good and some not so good.

Through it all, God wants your heart to long for the bell ringing and the end of this world. He wants your heart to love his appearing more than anything that this world has to offer you.

Maybe I could paint another picture for you. How about the end of the school year. Do you remember how we would sit waiting for the bell to ring and we would race out of school and that feeling of freedom, we were so excited. We have a whole summer in front of us, all of the playing and the adventures laying before us. It seemed as though those last days were the longest days of our life waiting for that final bell. The seconds seemed like hours and the hours like days. Oh, but that final ring…see ya!

All of the classroom activity was left in the classroom. And that is what the Apostle Paul is getting at in his letter to Timothy. Paul saw the distinction between the classroom, the bell and what lies after. He looks forward to Jesus ending this segment of our eternity and anything that is not eternal and of God, he has devalued and those things that are eternal he has elevated in value.

How do we do this? That is, live like Paul and love the appearing of Jesus more than anything on this earth? The first thing is to confess to God that you are more interested in the things of this world than in Him. Don’t worry, He already knows. Don’t be afraid, Jesus is waiting to have that conversation with you so He can begin the change in you. It does require a conversation because there is nothing in you that can make the change you need. Without that conversation, you are left to try to gut it out and change yourself – good luck with that!

However, in humility, if you will simply tell the Lord that you need him to change your heart to love His appearing and if you will be open to that change He desires for you, you really will begin to see transformation.

Do you know what comes with that transformation? Confidence, boldness, intentionality, peace and so many other qualities and characteristics of Christ.

You must decide that you want it and need it.

James 1:6–8 (NLT): But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.

You see, we are instructed to put the things of this world in one category and the things of the Lord in another. The former category is a lesser one and the things of the Lord are to be elevated. How else could we long for the appearing of the Lord?

Lord, thank You that we have a hope that is firmly placed in You and the promises that You have made to us. We receive all that You have said and even though we may not understand how or when – we wait patiently for You to fulfill what only You can do. We are committed to You and truly do long for Your appearing. All of this is because Jesus loved us and loves us today. He sits next to You Father as our representative, we are there because He won the victory for us. Thank You!


Pastor D