Ephesians 4:11-14 (ESV) And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes.

This set of gifts given by the Father are for the installation and development of the five aspects of the ministry of Jesus. The church’s maturity depends on the ability to grow up into what Jesus did during His earthly ministry.

It is super important that we get a picture of an end game. Not necessarily speaking of eschatology, it is different than that. When Paul mentions the phrase “measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ”, what does that mean to you?

If you ask each of the five gift personalities what the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ means, they will have differing answers. The apostle would say when the church in unity and effectiveness reaches the entire globe. The prophet would say when the entire earth hears God. The evangelist would say when the whole earth is saved. The pastor would say when the whole earth knows the love of the Father. And the teacher would say when the whole earth understands and believes the truth of God’s Word.

Yes, they are all different answers, and correct answers. They are all in line, moving together toward the one singular answer…JESUS!

They are all correct and all necessary to form the movement toward the full measure of the stature of Christ. They are all necessary because each is a dimension of Christ’s earthly ministry. We are growing up into what Jesus has revealed, what we have seen and what the Holy Spirit is leading us to become. How exciting is that!

These five specific gifts are actually designated roles within the church to implement what we saw Jesus do and what we have come to believe through the Word that Jesus is.

If you think about a gasoline engine, these gifts are like the fuel to the engine. The engine parts are the people, the spark is the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit, the practical gifts are the oil which lubricates the people keeping them efficient and effective. But the fuel is what gives the power.

The Holy Spirit works through these particular gifts to the church to supply power for movement.

These strong gifts shape, form and move the people who are the church, therefore they typically have a governmental position assigned by the church. Often, they are called “office” gifts. Not that they require offices to work from, they are designated as formative, and therefore can have a leadership position attached to them.

I believe that every single Christian on earth has at least one of these five gifts. Depending on the grace given to you by God for the work assigned during your life, the grace to utilize the gift may be great or small.

Let me show you what I mean.

Romans 12:5-6 …so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us…

The gifts of God and the grace to use them are given by God. That means when using your gift, it may not be God’s design for you to deploy your gift to the nations. The grace to deploy your gift may be for your church, or your small group or family, only.

Are some gifts used in mighty ways to touch millions of people? Certainly. That doesn’t mean the gift is greater, the gift is great because God gave the gift to you.

Remember, the gift given to you will be elevated by those around you who see the grace that God has given to you to use the gift. So, word to the wise, start small. Those around you will want you to operate in larger platforms if your character and anointing are pure and you are graced by God to operate in a larger sphere. The Holy Spirit will lead others to make room for you.

This idea of raising people up is precisely what Paul meant when referring to these five gifts. Those in leadership roles using these implementing gifts are always looking around to find those who are up and coming gift users. We make room for others, equipping them and releasing them into their grace and gift.

Most often when a person doesn’t have the platform for their gift that they think they should, it is because the Holy Spirit doesn’t want that person using their gift for what could be numerous reasons. Trusting the leadership that God has put in place is essential. If they say “no, not right now” – seek the Lord and try to understand why.

I have seen numerous people leave the fellowship because they believe they deserve this or that in the way of a platform for their gifting. And it saddens me greatly. Many who do this flounder in the years ahead because they lack the humility and wisdom to be raised up rather than demanding and walking in entitlement.

Here is a little assessment for you to help you determine which of these five Implementing gifts you might have.

Which of these five sentences is most like you? Pick the one that stands above the rest to you.

When thinking about the church…

1. I want to know where all this is going, what are we accomplishing for God?
2. I just want everyone to hear God clearly and to do what He says.
3. I desire that everyone would be saved and be spared the eternal penalty of sin.
4. I believe that everyone in the church should be cared for and directed toward wholeness.
5. I have such a desire for people to have an accurate and meaningful understanding of the Bible.

Father, please continue to reveal Your truth to us through the Word. Help us to understand what maturity is. Thank You that we have been given Jesus. He is our goal, He is our pattern and our hope. We really do want maturity in the body of Christ, so please raise us up.


Pastor D