Grace Given
Romans 12:4-8 For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, 5 so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. 6 Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; 7 if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; 8 the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.
Did you see the phrase in verse six, isn’t it interesting?!
You could say that the word grace here is God’s favor poured out on each of us; in that, what I was before Jesus, disqualifies me for the blessings that I am experiencing right now.
You know that is a good thought to hang onto, and it is indeed a dimension of grace that is very real, but I do not think it is what Paul is driving at. How about this…
Your past is redeemed…period! Now, you may not walk just yet in the fullness of freedom, and it would be to your benefit (and those around you) to pursue freedom in whatever context is available, and don’t stop until others around you can see that freedom has taken hold of your life. And while I am on this topic, don’t be mad that you need freedom, be glad. Don’t be mad at those who made you have to find freedom. Be glad it is available to you. Don’t look back on what should have been, look forward to what can be through the compassion of Jesus and the power of the Holy spirit.
Yes, this is grace. However, the grace Paul is talking about is more.
God has poured over the top of you an ability to work with Him. There is a grace that flows over you and flows backward from you to redeem the past, there is a grace that flows over you and flows forward preparing a way for your future.
Paul is describing a grace given to each of us, given by God alone, that is more than redemption, it is powerful potential. God touches us and His grace makes a future different than our past.
He draws us into working for Him and experiencing the blessing of seeing work done by Him through us.
Honestly, it is why our past is redeemed in the first place. We often get fixated on our past and stay there, we experience healing and restoration and believe that is all there is, and we become content with that alone.
Listen to me, that’s just the lobby – go on into the building. That’s just starting the car…drive! That’s just sitting down for the meal….eat!
When that grace touches you, it places a special work initiative that carries a unique and powerful potential to touch other people around you. That is precisely why Paul says to his readers that they should pay attention to the special gift of God and understand the gift through the filter of the measure of grace and faith given, because it can be very different than the person standing right next to you…and is.
You may have the same gift, but I guaranteeee (said with a strong Cajun flare) you do not have the same amount of grace and faith. It is the same grace, but it is not the same amount of grace. It has nothing to do with what you have been through – that is the different side of the same grace.
The measure of grace has everything to do with what God is calling you to do. He already knows what He is calling you to do, so when you first said yes to Jesus, He sent into you the package of grace that has in it, the necessary power for the level of outpouring He is planning to do through you.
Most often, a person doesn’t realize this until later, and sadly, sometimes people walk in unbelief, saying it isn’t so. None-the-less, it is hard to deny what Paul is saying right here. What I am telling you is true. Embrace it, come into agreement with it, and get on with it.
One more thing, listen to people around you when they tell you they see things in you that are God’s workings. Receive those words and commit them to the Lord. He is speaking to you and calling out His grace in you through others, especially those that God has placed as spiritual leaders in your life.
If you are looking around right now wondering who is going to speak those words to me? Are you in a community of believers where there are others looking for this grace in you? I hope you are! 
Father, thank You for the grace that redeemed us and for the grace that propels us forward into our earthly destiny. Each of Your children have been given a ministry in the church, everyone has grace for that. All of this is made available through the powerful work of Jesus on and off the cross. We praise Jesus for His love and power, He came to earth to do what You instructed Him to do. We live in the precious gift of grace that He supplied. He brings great glory to You Father.
Pastor D