As we continue this week, let me say again that this weeks devotionals will be somewhat practical, and are directed at how we are to position our hearts in ministering to others. Let these words arrive at the door of your heart as encouragement. I will share with you based on the struggles that I have seen in my and other ministries over the years.
Certainly these truths and principles will apply outside of a five-fold mindset, however, these are common encouragements that I am making in that arena. Let’s revisit Jesus as our all-in-all, and springboard from there into encouragement.
Jesus our Evangelist: Luke 4:43 …but he said to them, “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns as well; for I was sent for this purpose.”
Jesus declared the good news of the kingdom of heaven for anyone who believed in Him.
Evangelists, avoid stereotypes which will squelch the use of your gift, such as platforms and stadiums. When we think of an evangelist, we think of packed rooms and even stadiums with thousands of people going forward for an invitation.
The Holy Spirit moved so powerfully in those great gatherings. And I have been to a few and was blown away by the response of people to the gospel message. I want to encourage you awesome evangelists to think differently in our day. Think more in terms of one-on-one ministry. If God is going to raise you to be a stadium speaker, let the local church see that in you by your faithful, simple, humble involvement with the vision of the house.    
You may express your gift over coffee with someone, not just in the pulpit or on the street corner. Sometimes you may become discouraged because you don’t know how to gather a bunch of people to share the gospel and you might get frustrated with your pastor because he doesn’t see what you see about gathering people.
Evangelist, listen to me, go through the rigors of training and development in submission to your local church. Be sent out and authorized – you are a very needed part of the local church and your region. Start small, start with a one-on-one mindset and let the church raise you up. It is only natural (supernatural) that you are to be released and sent out to win souls, so be patient and wait.
Evangelists, you carry the miraculous with you – use it by faith. Be filled with the Holy Spirit, be fluid and knowledgeable of the baptism with the Holy Spirit. Be ready to minister in that at all times.
Sometimes evangelists, you struggle with the thought that evangelism is the only reason the church exists. Play well in the sandbox with the other gifts. Evangelism is the doorway to the church, not the end game. Evangelism in a church is a sign of maturity.
Jesus our Pastor: John 10:11-12 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. The gift of shepherding/pastoring is the most common gift, more people have this implementing gift then the others. So there are many shepherds in a local church. The best way to grow and develop is inside a small group. Even if your church does not have them, you can meet with some friends and grow there. You will see the shepherding heart that God has given you begin to flourish.
You can shepherd without a title and a position, start there. Let others see you, don’t self-proclaim or self-authorize.
Please do not listen to people when they say to you that you are a better pastor/shepherd than so-n-so. Do not develop a mindset that you can do it better than so-n-so. These are lies from the enemy, because you may not have any idea what the weight upon the lead shepherd is.
Jesus our Teacher: Matthew 22:16 And they sent their disciples to him, along with the Herodians, saying, Teacher, we know that you are true and teach the way of God truthfully…
Be very clear that what you are teaching helps build the church. Do yourself and others a favor, start your study of scripture with the question, “God, what truth would you like these people to experience in their life?” Move way beyond what they need to know, to what they need to do with what they know. Be adamant in your teaching to command that they do something with the truths shared.
We have all been in places where we have seen ministry done poorly. Forgive your spiritual leaders. Do not wait. Unforgiveness blocks your pathway to spiritual growth.
Father, we bless your name today and believe that in our day you are still implementing the Church. What Jesus started, we are tasked with continuing until He returns to start His physical kingdom on earth. Thank You, that through Jesus we have access to You, forever. Praise the name of the Lord today!
Pastor D