So, here we go, Paul continues to start stuff in his prayers. He has the faith to believe that what He is praying for is what God wants. Why? Because he has seen it work before, just like you. He is acquainted with how God works in the life of a believer.
Wisdom is resident in Paul, he has seen, and he knows how the kingdom works, just like you. So, he is praying for this church in such a way, that they would follow along in the design of Jesus for the spiritual formation of God’s kingdom.
It isn’t rocket science; it is really simply God’s plan laid out in scripture for us to follow.
Let’s build stuff together. Let’s build the kingdom together and follow after Paul’s example of prayer.
Yes, we have many things to stop and tear down in the name of Jesus. But we must not stop there, Jesus is building His kingdom in and through you. So, that means in prayer we must put our construction hats on and get to work.
General manager Paul continues in his prayer…
Colossians 1:11-12 We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father. He has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people, who live in the light.
When I read this, I hear hammers and saws going in the background. Have you ever heard roofers working in your neighborhood? Yes, that’s the sound of God’s people praying.
The kingdom is being built one person at a time. Strengthened with all God’s glorious power means that we have all the tools and the power source to work. We also have all of the wood and steel necessary to finish the job. The permits are secured, and workers are ready, we are building through faith filled prayer.
Filled with joy, is the excitement of believing that our simple prayer of faith is building the kingdom of God. We are building.
James 5:16 The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.  
We have already seen that someone somewhere was praying a prayer to start something that brought salvation to us, so we know that it works. So, with thanksgiving to the Father, we can continue this effort of prayerful kingdom building.
James 5:16 does not say the prayer of the perfect person has great power. No, the word Greek is dikaios. The word means just. Think of it this way, the prayer of a redeemed one has great power as you do it.
You are a redeemed one, and given to you at your redemption was the awesome power to build through faith filled prayer. Prayer that starts things.
Here is Paul’s rationale…   
Colossians 1:13-14 For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins.
Here is where this is going, you were built, someone prayed to start something in your life. Jesus is active in building people and expanding His kingdom all across the earth. When we pray for the starting of things in people’s lives, the full power of God goes into those places and builds the kingdom.
Sometimes it happens quickly and other times it takes decades. No matter how long it takes, we must be building the kingdom through our prayers, just like the Apostle Paul.
Father, what a powerful opportunity you have given to us through Jesus. Please give us the minds and hearts to engage the kingdom of God and to participate in starting spiritual foundations in other’s lives. Lord, let us also build upon what others have built, so that we can see the fullness of Your presence all around us. Thank You Jesus for making this all possible.
Pastor D