Good day to you!
I am excited about our topic of late. I really do love to study the Bible and to make sense of things that have been tortured at the hands of those who present the Bible in unproductive ways.
So, as we continue in our reflections of second Thessalonians, we have seen some interesting things.
Have you ever wondered why God does not do world wide miracles like in the days of old…the Old Testament?
Things like: flooding the whole earth, turning back time, clouds by day – pillars of fire by night, fire falling from heaven, plagues..?
Its all part of God’s master plan. Jesus told the entire church in Acts 1, that when they are filled with the Holy Spirit they would have power. And that power would propel them into the world.
Jesus, took His power and spread it across the entire church. So, rather than one person or even the Lord Himself acting in one place, as powerful and pointed as it was, God’s plan is for the power of God to be shared by all the saints during the church phase of His plan.
We who recognize and live by the power of the Holy Spirit allow the restrainer to do His work through us. However, when the rapture occurs, the power of God will be withdrawn from earth. The church will be no more.
All of the gifts go away. There will be no more churches, pastors, prophets…none of those things will exist after the rapture, because the one who made them work, the Holy Spirit will not be here anymore.
There will be Christians everywhere, without the church. It will be a scary time on earth. And that is why the Bible specifically tells us that the Antichrist will be given power over the saints at that time. Because if the church is here, he would certainly not have power over her, because she is in-dwelt with the Holy Spirit.              
Revelation 13:7–8 (ESV): Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them. And authority was given it over every tribe and people and language and nation, 8 and all who dwell on earth will worship it…
Yes, the restrainer in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 is the Holy Spirit.
2 Thessalonians 2:6–7 (ESV): And you know what is restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work.  Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way.
Once the power of God is removed from the earth the Antichrist will rise up and for a season, do what he wants to do.
What is interesting to realize, is that once the church is gone, God begins again to do worldwide miracles like He used to do. This is all a part of His plan. We may wonder if God will do big miracles on the earth and change things…He will!
What I don’t want you to miss is the investment God is making in you. He is withholding mighty miracles across the planet. He does so because He wants the miracle of salvation to be seen in You. The portion of Jesus He has placed in you is a miracle and powerful, Acts 1 says so.
We must live out the miracle of Jesus transforming our lives so others can see Him in us. We must use our gifts to serve the kingdom so that we are propelled forward, motivated to do good works by each other.
The church is God’s miracle during this phase of His plan. His plan is big! The mystery that the Apostle Paul describes in the New Testament is that we are the presence of God on earth. The Holy Spirit lives in us and accomplishes the will of the Father, just like Jesus did when He was here.
Ephesians 3:6 (ESV): This mystery is that the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel.

How amazing, Jew and Gentile alike – anyone through saving faith in Jesus Christ can become filled with the power of God and take part in restraining the Antichrist by living a Holy Spirit filled life.
Read all about it in Revelation starting in chapter 6, world-wide cataclysmic miracles are coming back very soon and stronger than ever before. The whole world is going to know who God is. There will be no doubt. Today, there is much doubt – partly because much of the church does not believe in the gifts and many churches deny the power of the Holy Spirit. Even though it is right before our eyes in the Word of God.
But, not so you!
I thank God for you!
You know Jesus, you believe in Him, what He has done in you is miraculous!
Let’s rise up and embrace our roles as saints together. Let’s all be open to the fullness of God’s plan today.
Father, how sad for those whom it is prophesied that they are destined for eternal sorrow. Those who rise up against You cannot stand. Great are You Lord and worthy to be praised! No one is like You. No one! We praise You today – for the things that we see and know, and also for the things that have not yet been revealed. You are mighty and powerful – the universe cannot contain You. And yet, You love each of us tenderly. Oh Lord, how good it is to be called children of God. Thank You for our salvation through Jesus Your Son. Thank You Jesus for Your great sacrifice. We long for Your return and for the day when the devil is revealed and destroyed. Thank You Jesus for that.
Pastor D