I want to reflect for a moment on the Holy Spirit and then springboard from there into the topic of chaos. That seems kind of strange, doesn’t it? Well, there is method to my ever-increasing madness.

I believe that chaos is a real thing, another way of looking at chaos is to understand darkness. More on this later.

We are very familiar with the fruit of the Holy Spirit, on several occasions over the last year we have referred to the fruit. I have even said to you that the fruit of the Holy Spirit belongs to the Holy Spirit, and not to you and me.

As a person yields to the Holy Spirit, the fruit or essence of the Holy Spirit will begin to show up, the more room you give to Him, the more You will see the evidence of His presence.

Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT) But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!

What I have also conveyed to you is that these are not attributes of the Holy Spirit that He only manifests on earth, this is who He is where-ever He is, in heaven or on earth. In heaven, the Holy Spirit brings forth the culture of Heaven just like He does on earth in your life.

On earth there is an opposer to the things of the Holy Spirit, so He has opposition and adversity. In heaven there is none of that. Because sin is here, and in you – you even oppose Him. Our sanctification is the removal of all opposition in us to the presence of the Holy Spirit. The more we yield, the more we are able to experience heaven on earth…in us. [Maybe this will help you understand who the restrainer is in 2 Thessalonians 2 a little bit more.]

The objective of the Holy Spirit is to bring about in our presence, God’s presence. He desires to bring into view in our lives the kingdom of God. Certainly, this is a spiritual kingdom for now, but that does not make it any less of a kingdom. The spiritual world is immensely larger than the physical world with all of its planets and solar systems. The physical world will be swallowed up in one gulp by the spiritual, and a new physical will be made.

Our inheritance begins day one of salvation as God, through the Holy Spirit, invests and injects the spiritual kingdom into us, and He starts with the culture of heaven. Yield my friend, yield!

Yielding to the Holy Spirit will be the death kiss to chaos. Especially the kind of chaos that we generate.

Heavenly Father, we admit today that in this world there will be trouble. And we also agree that Jesus has overcome this world and all of its troubles. Lord, chaos lays in wait for us, like a wolf. Our eyes are fixed on You – Jesus You have made a way for us through the cross. Lord, the Holy Spirit that You sent gives us a foundation of peace and purpose. Thank You Lord.

Pastor D