Chaos…yes, that is what is in view.
Are you experiencing any of that?
Sometimes, chaos is inevitable and planned, but other times chaos is a darkness that is indescribable.
Have you ever moved houses? That’s chaos, right? But we make a move into the chaos of boxes and packing for the hope of a better future, that’s understandable… “I can’t find my shoes, has anyone seen my work shoes?” This isn’t the kind of chaos I am referring to.
There is an unholy chaos that is like thick darkness, with hardly any light in it at all. And when a person is caught in it, it is a heavy burden on the body, soul and spirit. Some would say that chaos is indiscriminate, that chaos simply falls like rain on whomever is underneath it. I tend to think differently.
Jesus and Malachi (The only Italian that I know in the Bible… pronounced… ma-latch-e) both refer to chaos in their writings.
Malachi 3:11 I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of your soil, and your vine in the field shall not fail to bear, says the Lord of hosts.
And Jesus refers to chaos as darkness.
John 12:35-36 So Jesus said to them, “The light is among you for a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you. The one who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going. While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.”
I believe that chaos is alive. I also believe there is more than simply a string of bad things happening all at once. I believe way beyond bad luck.
I also believe that Jesus gives to us the power to be out of the touch of chaos, yet many do not wield that power even though they believe in Jesus. Chaos touches their life and often they wonder where God is.
There is certainly a difference between chaos around you and chaos in you.
Most people would look at the world of chaos they feel they are in and assume that it is happening to them and not through them.
I would like you to take a second and ponder what I just said. Is chaos occurring to you or through you?
One of the great struggles of chaos, is that those who struggle with it the most, do not know that they do. Their assumption is that other people are the ones with the problem.
Matthew 16 for Peter is the best of times and the worst of times. According to scripture, Peter gets a massive “at-a-boy” from Jesus and is blessed with such a powerful blessing that his blessing is still unfolding in our lives today.
Yes, verses 13-20 are remarkable and astounding to try to understand in the implications on the local church. I am sure there was a great big smile across Peter’s face as there should be, he did great! What a faith founded declaration he makes.
But then we wade into verses 21-23. That poor man! From the heights of glory in recognizing Jesus, to being seen as hosting the most-evil entity in the universe. Yes, Peter created his own chaos – Jesus put a stop to it.
Chaos makes assumptions, doesn’t it… about people and paradigms. It often asserts and injects into places unwelcomed. Chaos usually finds problems with others and stands to correct…even God.
This is the place where the devil really likes to work. Please be careful of letting the devil work in you in this way. Be sure about the right things and unsure about the right things too. Ask yourself the question, “Now why do I feel entitled to say this?”
A gentle spirit is very precious to God.
1 Peter 3:4 …but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.
Don’t be misguided that this is an attribute that God wants to see only in women…far from it.
Father, thank You for the power You have given to us through Jesus. Lord, would it come to pass that we would avoid unnecessary chaos in our lives. Teach us to honor You more and to be very appreciative of all that You have done to set us free through Jesus our Lord. Lord, teach us to be gentle and careful with what we assume and what we believe about others.
Pastor D