Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places…
Yes! Blessings are ours through Jesus. We are blessed in our freedom and salvation, and there are many more blessings to come. Not only when we arrive in heaven, but right here and right now as well.
Even though this world is broken and ill, we can receive blessings today from God who loves us and made a way for us to be blessed through Jesus.
Our blessings come directly from the heart of God because He desires to bless, it is His nature. God’s heart is full of love and that love will never run out. The depths of His love are not understandable or even completely searchable.
He has no other plan or motive other than to bless those who love Him.
Yes! God desires to bless you! He never will change in His feelings for you. He will never tire of you, growing bored and turning away from you. He will never leave you, forgetting about you to focus on a new venture.
He will never make a promise to you and then fail to show up or break the promise showing Himself unreliable.
He is always active in your life, even when you do not think that He is. He is always working for good in you. He is always promoting healthy relationships around you, even though at times you experience difficult people.
He will use everything in your path to make you a better person. And He isn’t quick to take pain away too. Because the pain softens the ground of our heart so He can till that soil and plant good seed.
Sometimes we think God is mean and uncaring because of the places where we are uncomfortable, and He doesn’t seem to change things on our timetable. Or maybe, tragedy creeps or rushes in and we do not understand.
Faith enables us to declare that God is good without experiencing the good just yet. We gain confidence when we look at our past and see the faithfulness of God. Then we turn our heads to the future and by faith we say, “God, You have been faithful to me all of my days. I will trust You in my future, no matter what may come my way.”
Yes, faith is mandatory for a healthy view of God’s goodness.
Here is a thought that may be helpful. The goodness of God is not defined by how comfortable He makes me feel.
Here is what I mean, finish this statement, “God You are good if…
The only way to answer that question is to remove the “if” and put a period after good.
God is good beyond our personal circumstances. That doesn’t mean that God is bad, and we are to tell Him He is good just because that is how you treat God. You see, faith allows you to feel not good and still declare God good and believe it because it is true.
From the goodness of God comes blessing. It is a blessing to exist in the stream of God’s overwhelming goodness, to us personally and also; in the stream of His overarching universal plan.
There is not part of God that is not good. All aspects of God are good.
Today, by faith declare the goodness of God and let the waters of His goodness flow.
Father, bring Your kingdom to earth as quickly as You can. Allow us to see and live in that place You had planned for us long before this world was made. You are good. Your heart is good. Your Son Jesus whom You sent to help us understand Your love, He is good. The precious Holy Spirit, our Guide and Helper, He too, is good. One day we will enter into an existence with You that will always only know good. Until then, thank You for showering goodness upon us, even in a broken and ill world.
Pastor D