As amazing as that miracle was, the beautiful picture of Jesus the Savior, the life giver and the church accepting and healing people through the power of the cross, the unwrapping of old death cloth, through sanctification and discipleship, there is more in the passage.
Did you know that there is a greater miracle in John 11?
It is hard to top Lazarus being raised in its astonishing manifestation and also the symbolism of Christ and the Church. But here is the thing – Lazarus died again. As far as I know he isn’t holding out on a beach in the Caribbean.
As amazing as that miracle was, it was time stamped. It had a start and a finish. There is another miracle without a time stamp that still works its power today. It is found right in that same chapter, John 11. Do you want to hear about it?
It’s not a long verse.
Actually, it is really short.
The shortest in the Bible.
John 11:35 Jesus wept.
Did you know that God cries? Did you know that even though there is coming a day when all tears will be wiped away, God doesn’t simply point to that and remove Himself from feeling for your daily trials?
Look at it this way. Jesus had already prophesied that Lazarus was going to live. He knew what He was going to do.
As exciting and joyful as the outcome was going to be, Jesus was touched by the pain of the sisters and those who came to mourn with them. He didn’t defer His brokenness and focus on the happiness to follow.
Listen, this is a miracle. God is with you, and He is not afraid to hurt with you, even to the point of tears. He has always been with you, and He will always be with you. He isn’t telling you to be happy when you are sad. He is with you in what you are going through.
The Creator of the universe is touched by the struggles and pains that you face.
Perhaps now would be a good time to do what Mary and Martha did. They went out of their way to meet with Jesus, and they shared their pain and frustration with Jesus.
What have you been going through lately? Do you know that God cares so much for you?
1 Peter 5:7 “…casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.”
And again, we see in the very words of Jesus how He feels about you.
Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
This truly is an eternal miracle, God cares!
Go to Him and receive His care today.
Father, thank You that we can receive from You love and care. You have made a promise to us, so help us to be like the sisters and go to you. Jesus, You wept, what a loud message that is to the world! You are not here to judge and deny people. You have come into this world to forgive and accept people. Thank You for this wonderful miracle!
Pastor D