So, we take a step forward to understand what the natural byproduct is when people truly care for each other.
You see, when authentic care happens between two people, when I say authentic, I mean care without strings or agendas, care that has another’s best interest at heart, it will in time, produce trust. 
Let me show you how trust is produced through care. Our passage in focus is John 15:14-15. Jesus says, “No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.”
Jesus is point blank saying to these men that He has revealed to them what the Father has revealed to Him. He has held nothing back. He is saying I am entrusting to you what has been entrusted to me. I trust you.
And then, in the following verse Jesus tells them why.
He says in John 15:16, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.”
This is care. God says to these men, I chose you before you even knew that you could be chosen. Imagine God looking you in the eyes and with a smile He says, “I choose you.”
What a blessed and wonderful expression of the love of God, He cares so well.

When You receive God’s words and believe what is being spoken by God to you, it will cause trust to develop in you. When you believe that God chooses you, you will trust Him more.
Yes, authentic care produces trust. God is trustworthy because of His nature, He is completely trustworthy. However, even if you did not know that God is in His nature trustworthy, you could come to the conclusion that He is trustworthy because of what we know about the cross, His great expression of care.
Romans 5:8 “…but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Come on! You can agree with me, God can be trusted, he has proven His great care for us through the sacrifice of Jesus.

How do you get people to trust you? How do you build trusting relationships with others? Well, simply put, you do what God does. You care for others consistently and they will trust.
“But some people that I want to trust me, won’t Pastor D, no matter what I do.”
That is a true statement and there are good reasons why people don’t trust. Remember, we are on our way to true love. We are trying to figure out God’s path for true love. And so far, we see that care is the first step to true love.
Maybe that person has missed care in their life somewhere and now they are guarded or cynical about the motives of others. Maybe walls are up that divert attention away from the need for vulnerability. Whatever the case, hang in there and pray about that situation. God has an answer.
Or, maybe it isn’t the other person, maybe it is you that is struggling with trust. Let’s think about moving beyond trust and what that might look like for the growth toward true love. Because moving toward true love can also be seen as growing in maturity. God wants you to know true love. So, when we meet again, we will talk about what causes trust to fall flat.
Father, thank You for blessing us with Your love. We are grateful for the overwhelming care that You show to us by giving to us freedom and grace through Jesus, Your Son. Please enable us to dive deeper into Your watchful care. In the places where we do not trust others, Lord, help us understand how we can change. Thank You that through Jesus, all things are possible.
Pastor D