Good morning my friends, I am sitting in Merida, Yucatán (Mexico) this morning. I have been ministering to a small group of pastors and their congregations for several days. We also came down to walk the streets of Merida and pray as I have felt that there needs to be a church in this region with the DNA of SBC.

When I say DNA, I mean that there is force and momentum moving outward into the community instead of momentum drawing people to a weekend service, even as important as that gathering is.

Spoiler alert, the force is the Holy Spirit. Let there be no mistake who we are talking about. As I have written about at another time, whatever container you try to put the Holy Spirit in, His desire is to break out.

If He is in a person, He wants out of that person into a family member or friend. I will give you an example.

Friday Pastor Juan and I were eating lunch on a roadside café. Fresh cheese, chorizo, chicken and homemade tortillas – couldn’t be any more authentic. On the roadside, a man walked out to us to sell us bracelets. Juan and I both were very sensitive to the Holy Spirit and the man being a good salesman, I bought not one but two bracelets.

We asked him about his relationship with Jesus which he didn’t want to talk at first. I then told him that he could know he is going to heaven through a relationship with Jesus. I talked about how Jesus removes the burden of sin and guilt when we ask for forgiveness. He said yes and in that busy street side café, he gave his life to Jesus.

I said to him, “This isn’t just for you, it is for your wife, family, and friends.” Robert has invited us to come to his house this week. He is gathering his family and friends so that they can know Jesus too.

You see, the Holy Spirit desires to move in and through you.

Can you think of someone that you know that would benefit from the Holy Spirit that is in you, leaking out and touching them?

Immediately when I mention that – most people immediately pull back. You are happy to hear how the Holy Spirit moves in someone else’s life but you do not believe that He can work through you powerfully, like for Robert.

It is true that when you were saved (hope that you are) the Holy Spirit came into you to live. He lives in you, what a thought. With that nugget of truth, most people don’t go any further mistakenly believing that there is no more work for the Holy Spirit to do in us. In John chapter 20, Jesus raises from the dead and appears to some significant people. Mary, near the tomb and the Disciples were the first. If you read the later part of the chapter, it must have been extremely reality cracking to see someone you saw tortured and killed standing right in front of you.

He told them He was going to do it, He told them why He was going to do it. He did it just like He said.

I hope with earnestness that you have received the gift of salvation by trusting that in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is your eternal salvation. When we make Jesus our Lord, we repent of our former way of living and we live for a different purpose.

Jesus is very very good at taking our broken lives and restoring them to something beautiful. But listen – there is more. He will fill you with power that does not come from this world. Are you ready? It is good for all of us to revisit this prayer.

Father, You sent Your very own Son, Jesus, to earth to pay for my sin. Thank You for forgiving me for my sin. Thank You for putting Your Promise in my life. Thank You holy Father for the penalty of my sin being washed away by the blood of Jesus.


Pastor D