Do you realize that when Jesus appeared to the disciples in the upper room, they received the Holy Spirit, at that moment they became the first people on earth to be saved through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. His precious Disciples are the ones He wanted to visit after being set apart to do this work by the Father.

Doesn’t it make sense that the Disciples would start their ministry immediately? After seeing the most significant event in the history of man, that they would be so juiced that they would run down the streets yelling from the top of their lungs, “He is alive!” These men see the resurrected Christ, do you ever think what you would do if you saw Jesus in person? (Trust me, not much different than what you are doing today.)

Well, truth be told, after they saw Jesus they stayed in that upper room and kept the door locked while Jesus was out ministering as He did before. They didn’t even go out with Him. For 40 days they were there. They were saved people, immobile because of fear. The Disciples didn’t think they could do anything. They did go fishing – but that was about it.

Jesus would appear to them from time to time, not angry at them, He knew. He would reassure them, He knew. He knew that being saved was not enough for kingdom building. He knew that the same power that moved Him in power was not yet activated in them. Even though (just like you) they were confident in who Jesus was and His power to save them from the eternal penalty of sin, there was more waiting for them in the way of power.

These precious men and women were told by Jesus to wait for the promise of the Father. Jesus said that something was going to happen that would give them power and they would become witnesses (Acts 1:4-8). Up to this point, the Disciples were saved, but by no means were they witnesses. They were afraid. They hid behind a locked door.

Are you hiding behind a locked door? It is ok if you are, the Disciples did too and Jesus was fine with it because He knew that in a short period of time they were going to have the power of the Holy Spirit to grant boldness and courage to become witnesses.

The Devil desires that you feel guilt regarding this whole topic. Yet, you can’t push yourself out to do what you know you should be doing. Listen friend, the Holy Spirit has to be activated in you. That is precisely what happened at Pentecost.

When Jesus appeared to the disciples on the day of His resurrection He started the church. And during the 50 days from then until Pentecost, I believe those who were in the upper room were steadily putting their faith in Jesus Christ just like the Disciples, all 120 of them.

The Lord was setting the stage for His power (the Promise of the Father) to activate people. At the activation (Baptism with the Holy Spirit – the words Jesus chose) fear died in the 120 and they became witnesses.

Have you ever thought of yourself as a witness for Jesus? I hope so. Are you ready for activation? I hope so – we all need it. Let me tell you what the future holds – this is significant.

Revelation 12:10–11 (ESV): And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. 11 And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.

Do you see the word salvation? Alright, we understand what that is. How about the word power, do you see that? What is that? I will tell you, it is the same thing Jesus said would come upon people in Acts 1:4-8. In verse 11 they won! How? By the word of their testimony – they were empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Soon, much of the church will be empowered by the Holy Spirit – as of today a few are. Please be one of them.

Father, thank You for Your promise to empower us. We ask that You would fill us to overflowing with Your power so that we can move with boldness. Jesus we see that You were filled with the Holy Spirit and did great things, showing what is available to us too. We receive from You what You want to give to us. Thank You for what You did at the cross and tomb for us.


Pastor D