So, when God puts on your heart to do something…anything…expect opposition.

There are two kingdoms at war whether you realize it or not. The kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ and the kingdom of the jealous one. The one who would want to take the place of Jesus. The kingdom of the one who thought he was something special and is still coming to understanding that he is nothing. For him, is reserved the eternal depletion of himself.

Can you imagine disintegrating for eternity but never ending? That’s what is in store for the enemies of the kingdom of Jesus Christ. You see opposition can be good, it helps you know what side you are on. One would have to question what side of the war they are on if they do not feel opposition.

Well, Nehemiah is feeling clear and present opposition to the work that God called him to complete.

In verse one we see Sanballat angry that the wall was being built. The enemy will always be aware of the building of God’s kingdom down to the littlest brick. The reason is that every brick laid for Jesus is territory that the enemy loses.

Every brick lost by the enemy is a reminder to him that he is losing. He knows what his future holds. He is completely aware of God’s judgment and is very afraid of that day. He knows that his resources are limited and that the battle was won by Christ at the cross. He knows that he was shamed and completely outsmarted by Jehovah.

Colossians 2:15 He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.

The Devil has heaped upon himself great wrath and God is waiting for the appointed moment when the fullness of His great wrath will be poured out on the enemy.

You might wonder, isn’t God full of love and mercy? Yes, He is, for those who hear His call. But for those who reject Him, He is severe beyond our understanding. Here is what the Bible says about this.

Romans 11:22 (NLT) Notice how God is both kind and severe. He is severe toward those who disobeyed, but kind to you if you continue to trust in his kindness.

God is going to be surprisingly severe to the father of lies. The enemy of your soul opposes God’s goodness and wants to destroy any Jesus kingdom building happening in and through you. Please be aware and prepared for this.

Nehemiah 4 shows us that it is very important to know what God has told you to do. There are thousands of things that God is doing, in every direction really – He has not called you to all of them. But God has called you to something.

What is it? This is so crucial. Most of the time it is obvious, right in front of us. Usually, it involves repairing and restoring relationships and building of integrity and character in ourselves and others.

The region of Jerusalem was a broken down, run over, heap of rubble. There was no protection or structure for health, safety, or community vitality. It had been completely drained of all resources. The people who stayed there were there because of past life – there was nothing to hold them to Jerusalem until the rebuilding took place.

John 10:8-10 All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

Nehemiah is a beautiful type of Christ found in scripture. Can you see the story of Jerusalem and its need for a governor? Can you see your life and the need for Jesus to rebuild broken down places?

How about the enemy who is losing ground? Is he losing ground or gaining ground in your life? Boy-oh boy! I pray that the enemy is losing ground in your life. The people were simply trying to survive, Nehemiah (a picture of Christ) came to the city charged by God to put things into place for the people’s welfare and safety.

Nehemiah was sent to stop the enemy from stealing, killing and destroying. Jesus came to save you too. Not simply once, every day. We are being attacked every day.

Today, know your battle, know what you are called to do. Know where you are to build and wage war. Keep your eyes on the goal. Pray to God that He would defeat the enemy on your behalf and keep on keeping on.

Trust Jesus! It’s down to this… pray or prey.

Father, we are under attack. (Nehemiah 4:4-5 Hear, O our God, for we are despised. Turn back their taunt on their own heads and give them up to be plundered in a land where they are captives. Do not cover their guilt, and let not their sin be blotted out from your sight, for they have provoked you to anger in the presence of the builders.) Father, thank You for the powerful name of Jesus Your Son, that You have given to us. Therefore, we know that we are victorious. We know how this all ends and we look to that day with joyful anticipation.


Pastor D