Care and the Fruit of the Holy Spirit
Welcome to the new year, I pray that in this year we will find increased faith and a deepening understanding of the joy of God’s grace and mercy extended to us through Jesus our Savior and Lord.
We could look around and ask the question, “Why do some people care a lot and other people seem not to care about anything at all?” Does answering that question matter at all? I mean really – can’t we just live our lives the way we want to?
I get that we are Christians, and I get that we all have differing pasts that shape the way we relate to people. We all have differing relational styles and ways of getting things done – no doubt.
Is there a need for us to look into the topic of care?
I think so. Actually, I know so. Did you know that the expression of Christ in the expansive season of grace we live in comes only through care? Think about it, what possible way is there to deliver the truth of God in this world without care? It can’t happen. Care is the vehicle that God has chosen to distribute the truth of Jesus’ power to save.
The great battle in everyone’s life is to overcome self. Self stands in the way of caring for others. As you yield to the Holy Spirit, He will bubble up His mind in you. The benefit of choosing that is your care for others will grow rapidly.
Let’s take a look at the fruit of the spirit for a moment and see.
Galatians 5:22–23 (ESV): But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
Alright, take a look at everyone one of these and ask the question, if these attributes of the Holy Spirit grow in me what happens to care for others? Right!? They shoot through the roof?
On the other hand, what happens if we restrict the presence of the Holy Spirit through agreements with the enemy? If we are partnering with evil through a sinful outlook, what happens to care in side of us?
For instance, love… Loving God, others and self is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. What is the opposite of love? Hate? No… it is selfishness. I guess you could argue that being selfish is hating others, yes. Let’s stick with selfishness for a moment. When we are not open to the attributes of the Holy Spirit, we will without any doubt be on the opposite of the scale than where God wants us to be.
The hard to accept truth is we do not have the capacity to make the fruit of the Holy Spirit full in ourselves. That is why they are called fruit of the Holy Spirit and not the fruit of David Speicher’s maturity and good life. Nope – without God, and my surrendering to Him, none of these attributes of God will have a place in me… or you.
Selfishness can be replaced with the Holy Spirit’s love.
Fear and sorrow can be replaced with the Holy Spirit’s joy.
Anxiety and restlessness can be replaced with the Holy Spirit’s peace.
Insensitivity and angst can be replaced with the Holy Spirit’s patience.
Meanness and spite can be replaced with the Holy Spirit’s kindness.
Indulgence and impurity can be replaced with the Holy Spirit’s goodness.
Self serving agendas and rejection can be replaced with the Holy Spirit’s faithfulness.
Brash and harsh life can be replaced with the Holy Spirit’s gentleness.
Impulsivity and indulgence can be replaced with the Holy Spirit’s self-control.
You probably read through that quickly. Would you do me a favor and look at these nine sentences again and focus in on your top three needed areas of improvement? On the left is the struggle, on the right is where the Holy Spirit stands ready in you to release His attributes.
This is a very good place for us to stop today. Just before we do, I have a few closing thoughts to help you.

  1.  God knows your struggle, so don’t get down on yourself. Do yourself a favor and acknowledge it to God who is in you. “God, I realize that I am indulgent, I confess it to you.”
  2.  Our goal is for care to grow, but care can’t grow without an intentional desire to allow the Holy Spirit to express who He is in you. So pray this short prayer, “Jesus, please do in me what I need and can’t do for myself.”
  3.  Prepare your heart for freedom. Want to be free of the old stuff. Want to be filled with the attribute of the Holy Spirit that you have your eye on today.

When we get back together we will continue right where we have left off. Remember, God is with you and wants this for you. This is a huge gift to you, because He loves you. So, let’s receive.

God, make us more alive in Christ, I let go of the old and I embrace the new in Jesus.


Pastor D