Matthew 22:11–14 (NLT): “But when the king came in to meet the guests, he noticed a man who wasn’t wearing the proper clothes for a wedding. 12 ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how is it that you are here without wedding clothes?’ But the man had no reply. 13 Then the king said to his aides, ‘Bind his hands and feet and throw him into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ 14 “For many are called, but few are chosen.”
The part of this parable that grabs my heart is verse twelve. This man was invited to the wedding and was probably really glad to receive something like this as a gift. Maybe he was hungry and simply was excited to have free food.
It didn’t turn out good for him at all. How could something so good, all of a sudden turn out to be so bad?
What is noteworthy and specific about this parable is that Jesus ties reality to it. A parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. But this parable has a real bite to it.
In the parable it would seem that this man who does not meet the criteria for a wedding guest would, under normal circumstances be dismissed from the wedding festivities. But in this parable the reality is, he is cast into outer darkness.
Jesus wants to make very sure that His listener understands the application of this story. I think it is of such great importance to us today, that we too should linger here and understand specifically what Jesus is saying.
First, if you have the time, go back and read the entire parable, it won’t take very long – this will give a good context for our understanding. Let’s break this down.
Verses 1-2 Jesus informs the reader about the kingdom of heaven and how to get in. He likens it to a wedding given by a father for his son.
Verse 3 informs the reader that Israel rejected the initial offer to attend.
Verses 4-6 speak to the treatment given to the prophets of old and God being rejected by Israel.
Verses 7-10 refer to the door opening across the world for not simply Israelites, but all the world. Every nationality is now invited to be with God forever.
Verse 11 helps the reader understand that there is protocol for attending the wedding feast, which is a picture of eternal life. So, Jesus is conveying that there is protocol for eternal life. Clearly, there was a garment given to each of the attenders and this man didn’t want to wear it.
Verse 12 the father asks the one who didn’t wear the proper attire which represents satisfying the protocol for entrance into eternal life, “How is it that you are here without the proper attire?” The man has no reply.
Verse 13 the man is thrown into outer darkness. This to me can be none other than the outer space regions.
Verse 14 many are called, few are chosen. The seed of the good news is cast to the different types of soil of the heart. Soil that is open to the good news will be saved and produce fruit.
What grabs me in verse twelve is that the man has no reply. Can you imagine living your whole life on an assumption, only to find out you were mistaken, and the mistake cost you everything? I am not trying to stir doubt, no, not at all. I want to release into you surety and confidence. I want you to walk with confidence.
This man had no words to say to the Master. He had no reply because in his heart He knew that he did not fulfill the requirements of the feast.
Revelation 3:18 (NLT): “Also buy white garments from me so you will not be shamed by your nakedness…”
In His epistle to Laodicea, Jesus challenges these people to secure from Him white garments, which represent righteousness. Our righteousness comes from God. This is not referring to our good works, far from it. This is referring to the declaration from God that your debt is paid in full and you are now justified before God because of what Jesus has done for you.
The response God is looking for from you is to put on the garment white as snow and live in that garment. At the wedding, the man wasn’t wearing the righteousness of God. He came to the feast in his old clothes. He came without any desire to be outfitted with God’s righteousness.
Who wouldn’t want to go to this feast? Many in their own way make up rules for themselves and figure it is enough because “I want to go.” As if, “wanting to go” is the only requirement to gain entrance. The Master of the wedding makes it very clear that just because you want to go, does not mean you are going. Pay careful attention to the requirements to gain access.
How many people are going to be shocked to the bone when they appeal to God and they do not gain entrance into eternity. So many people believe the desire to go to heaven is all they need to get to heaven.
The parable points to the garment. The garment is everything.  
Did you know that repentance is all over this parable even though it is not mentioned? This man came to the wedding his way. He figured he could do what he wanted. What was necessary was for him to think about what the protocol is to gain entrance. He had to take off his old clothes and put on the new clothes.
Please pay attention to this: He had to take off his old clothes and put on new clothes.
You have to will that to be. Take off the old and put on the new.
Father, let this truth linger in our minds so that we do not stand before You one day with nothing to say. Let us not be the the worst kind of deceived. Having walked amongst the redeemed and believing we are when we are not. Believing that wanting to attend is all You require. You require repentance, You require that we are changed, we desire to be changed, made whole and righteous by the kind act of Jesus on the cross. There is my entrance into heaven.
Pray this: Lord, I repent, I take off the old and put on the new. I lay down this world and all that is in it and put on the righteousness of Christ. Lord, look, see what I am wearing? – You gave this to me and I meet the criteria for entrance, I have met the protocol for the feast through Jesus.
If you prayed this and you meant it in your heart – leave a comment telling me. I want to celebrate with you! Did you feel the burden lift? Praise God!
Pastor D