Five-fold Understanding
As the Apostle to the church, Jesus is the wisdom of God. That means that He is the apparatus, modality, system, leader, author, however you wish to make sense of this… Jesus is the wisdom of God alive and ready to intervene.
I read a book a while back by Noel Woodruffe that describes Jesus as the Sent One, this way. 
First since Jesus is sent, it means that He has a command and a purpose. Because the Father sent Him, there is automatically a reason to be sent, there-in lies the command to go. With that command exists a purpose in the going.
We are sent by God too, Jesus sends us with a command and a purpose. It is good to have a purpose. However, this is simply the first step.   
There is also movement and momentum. Think of it this way, because there is purpose, there is supernatural energy and momentum to accomplish what Jesus was sent to do. Jesus relied upon the power of the Holy Spirit, and we see the power of God manifested in the life of Jesus. God sends you too, and just like Jesus, you have access to the same power that Jesus had on earth. How can I be so sure? Listen to this.
Romans 8:11 If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.
You have the movement of God. That means that He has a sequence and an order, a timetable and a plan. He is going to accomplish His plan through you. And with that comes supernatural momentum. Guess what… it does stop there either, there is more.
What immediately follows movement and momentum is direction and vision. Jesus was sent and in the sending is direction and a picture (vision) of what He is being sent into. We have that too. The Father told Jesus to go and Jesus knew what He was to do. You can know what you are to do as well. Listen to this…
Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
We can certainly have direction and vision, God wants us to have that the same way that Jesus had that. One last stop before we are through.
With command and purpose comes movement and momentum in supernatural power. These leads to direction and vison. Direction and vision take us right to destination and finish. We are used to unfinished things and broken systems that lead us nowhere. When God sends, He is already at the finish waiting for us.
That makes our brain hurt, but it is true. When God starts something, He finishes it with style! 
Phil 1:6 And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
You see God finishes what He starts. He sends and we obey. When we obey He promises to complete His work in you and through you.
Isaiah 59:1 Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, or his ear dull, that it cannot hear…
What He sends you into He will provide for you in the middle of. He will equip you along the way to succeed. He has a finish to everything; nothing is left unfinished or open ended except for His promise of blessing in eternity for you…and the plight of those who reject Christ.
I am so thankful for the finish that sits in front of us. I know that if God has sent us, then there is a grand finish. Praise the Lord! I do not know about you, but I want to know that what I am doing is heading toward God’s finish. God’s finish is a good finish.
Apostles (that’s us) keep their eyes on the finish. We are working toward the finish.
Father, thank You that You have not hidden the finish from us. You invite all of us to work in Your will toward a grand finish with You in heaven. Thank You for Jesus who showed us the way. Praise Your name! Lord, let us never give up or join the wrong team. But Lord, give us supernatural strength to do everything today that we are called to do. Tomorrow we will ask for strength for that day. Thank You Jesus for making a way for us all.
Pastor D