As we continue on our short journey through the twenty-third Psalm this week, let’s pick up with verse number four and work our way to the end of the chapter. Remember, we are digging into the thought of Jesus being our personal shepherd. We know that he wants to lead us, but we also know that we are easily led astray by some many things.
How important is it to you to know that it is Jesus who leads you? This world promises dark and dangerous times. This world has enemies lurking for their chance to kill, steal and destroy. We are sheep according to the Lord. But He promises to take care of us. Jesus is so confident in His abilities that He even suggests that He sends us right into the living quarters of the enemy.
Listen to this before we start,
Matthew 10:16 (ESV): Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.
And one more to hold onto as we dig in,
John 16:33 (ESV): In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.
God chooses to make the pasture and stream wherever He wishes. He is not the least bit concerned or afraid of the enemy. He is defeated already and if we stay with the Shepherd, the enemy has no access to steal, kill or destroy. The Shepherd knows where the good food is, He knows where the clearest and best water is, you don’t.
So, He leads us.
Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.
Jesus leads you through dangerous places and doesn’t abandon you, Jesus is not afraid, you don’t need to be afraid because the shepherd is not afraid. He doesn’t get to the edge of a trial and say to you, “Go on ahead, I will catch up to you later.” How careful He is to order even the next step in times of trouble. Every step can be ordered by the Lord.
How often we run full throttle into things without realizing what we have gotten ourselves into. He goes with us everywhere we go, or a better understanding is we go with Him, everywhere He leads us.
Since Jesus has defeated the enemy at the cross and tomb, the enemy has new rules of engagement. The enemy is now submitted to Jesus because Jesus declares that all authority has been given to Him by the Father. So, the enemy has no other option than to listen to Jesus.
You say, why then doesn’t Jesus snap His fingers and do away with the devil once and for all? Because, being made in the image of God has a powerful blessing. Our will, given to us by God is a part of us that God honors emphatically. To the person, God honors the choices a person makes for their life. Even though there are tremendous blessings and consequences tied to the willful choices we make, God honors our choice.
To snap His fingers and do away with the enemy will happen one day. But for now God will not go back on His decision to allow free will. God never changes. So, every person must exert their will to choose. Either they choose the path of the enemy or they choose the path of redemption through Jesus.
When Jesus received all authority, He put the devil under His foot and gave us the power to overcome the enemy. Therefore, being led by God, we can go into the darkest of places and not fear. Because the work of the Lord has been accomplished on our behalf so we can stand anywhere we are led without fear.     
You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.
This verse is very significant. The Shepherd is so strong that wherever the enemy is working we can come in and take what he was doing, destroy his work and have a feast right there. The spoils of the enemy are ours. God’s Son is already victorious. He makes a command in the presence of the enemy that we will eat well where ever the enemy sets up a camp.
Jesus has all authority and Jesus knows everything. How sad to be the enemy, when he starts a work in a person or a group of people, Jesus already knows all about it and has made provision for that clandestine meeting to turn to glory for the Father. What does it take for that to happen every time? People who are willing to follow the Good Shepherd into those places and not get sucked into the drama.
God is relying on His kids, His redeemed ones to be sensitive to the authority of Jesus. He calls us to walk in the authority of Jesus and dowse the flames of the enemy with love and truth.
Something interesting happens in this verse, to me it is prophetic. There are three pieces that apply to Jesus and they also apply to you.
The “feast in the presence of my enemy” is a foreshadowing of Jesus in the upper room where Judas sat across from Him. The devil filled the Son of Perdition. Jesus was at perfect peace, because He was lead by the Holy Spirit to be in that place at that time for our benefit.
The anointing oil for Jesus was the blood that flowed down His face while He was being wounded for our transgression. These acts of bleeding by Jesus are the anointing we needed to satisfy the Father’s requirement for a blood sacrifice for sin, all sin.
I believe there is also a foreshadowing of the anointing we received at salvation. We received the seal of the Holy Spirit and also, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The presence of God the Holy Spirit gives us boldness and courage to stand wherever we are led to stand, wherever we are led by the Good Shepherd of our souls, we can stand with confidence and power.      
Even when enemies lurks I eat well.
I am honored with oil.
My soul overflows with love, joy, peace… If these are not flowing from me then I have to ask the question, Who is shepherding me? Pride, lust, bitterness, money, what? What is being produced in me, what do others see and experience?
The last phrase reflects on the work of Christ completed. God got what He was after and now He has you and me, forever. It is the Good Shepherd’s desire to bring the sheep home to be with Him forever. Everything is accomplished, now time plays out to finish this phase. Others will come into the fold. Others will be redeemed like us. We work together to see the good news reach more people. And then blessings upon blessing. Overflow on overflow we will be in heaven forever. No more enemy…ever.
It is hard to imagine an existence where there is no enemy. That is all we have known. No antagonist, no usurper, no hiddenness or unholy agenda.
Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.
Can we just stop here? I mean, let’s not add any more thought to this. Let’s just read this again and again for a few minutes. Wow…
Father, I can’t imagine, I don’t get it just yet. I hear about it, I hope for it, I believe it for sure. The reality of it though… How will it be? We will all be there. Thank You Father for being our Good Shepherd, leading each of us there. Thank You Father for Your good pleasure, knowing our need and leading us all the way. Thank You for Jesus who makes it all possible.   
Pastor D