Think with me for a moment, what is better, to stop something undesirable from happening or to start something new that will change your life for the better? Ok, you are right, both are a blessing – which one though, would have a more lasting benefit?
Yes, we see Jesus doing both, right? He stopped blindness and demon possession – and many other things. He also started things too, like the church. If you want to argue that by stopping things, He was actually starting things; and by starting things He was also stopping things…you could, and probably win, but that would make our heads hurt a little too much this morning. So, for the sake of discussion let’s view these two as separate for a minute or two.
So where were we, ah yes, is it better to stop things or start things? I mean in the long run – which would be better?
Let’s take prayer for instance.
We know that prayer is the premiere ministry in the life of a believer. We are committed to praying, right?
So, when you pray, do you pray to stop things or start things? Both right? Should we lean in one direction more than another? I think so.
This week, let’s take a look at the prayer Paul prays for the Laodicean church. My hope is that we would use his prayer as a pattern to pray for others.
Let’s keep in mind the difference in praying for things to stop and things to start. Both are valid, however, let’s take a closer look at how Paul prays.
Colossians is a letter written to the church (whole church) in the region of Colosse. The Laodicean church was a part of that region. Paul, no doubt planted the church, or the Colossian church planted the Laodicean church, that is why Paul had not met them. So, he is helping them by praying for them. He is also giving to us (and them) a look into his prayer pattern. Notice his emphasis and lack of emphasis, I think it is important.              
Colossians 1:9-10 (NLT): So we have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding. Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.
Do you think there were people in these churches who were sick and needed immediate intercessory prayer? You bet! However, Paul and his companions did not have the tools we have today. We are blessed with immediate updates on people’s health and vitality – spiritually and physically alike. Technology has really blessed the church of our day.
I want you to notice though how Paul prayed, “We ask God to give you…” Paul clearly desires to start new things or add to the spiritual foundation that he already laid down for them when he was with them.
I am sure he could have prayed a blanket prayer for all those who were ill or sick – he could have said, “Lord, if any of them are sick…heal them.” The thing is, he didn’t.
I am very sure that if he was there with them, he would have. So, don’t think or hear me say that we should not pray for the woes of our brothers and sisters in Christ.
No, we should be praying for our spiritual family. So often though, that is where we stop. We love others, so we don’t want bad things to happen to them. So, to protect them we ask God to bless, help and safeguard them.
The church in Colosse had stuff going on just like we do. War, politics, homelessness, divorce, pandemics, finances. It was the same, if not worse than what we face daily. And yet, Paul is praying kingdom building prayers.
He asks God to give them complete knowledge of His will. If you had complete knowledge of God’s will, if you knew 100% what God told you to do today and everyday – you would be unstoppable.
Therefore, the prayers to stop things would become less necessary, except for when the enemy raises his ugly head to impede your progress in God’s will. Perhaps this is why, in total confidence, Jesus says…
Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Oh, that we were unstoppable!!
Perhaps, our unstoppableness (I just made up a new word) starts with how we pray and how others pray for us.
Father, as evil and unpredictable as this world is, please lift our eyes to see what You see. Please teach us to pray for the kingdom and give us the faith to trust Your words that everything we need will be given to us as a result of chasing after Your kingdom.
TODAY, pray Colossians 1:9 into someone. Tell me that doesn’t feel good to do! It kinda feels like what we were put on this earth to do, right!?
Pastor D