Revelation 1:4-5 Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven spirits who are before his throne, and from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of kings on earth.
This is such a beautiful passage of the Bible.
The first read through is a confirmation of the trinity. Grace and peace are said to be from three separate people, but all of them unified in the sending of grace and peace. “Who is, who was and who is to come”, is the Father. The seven spirits: is the Holy Spirit and Jesus is identified for us by His name.
All three are mentioned as one. Each having their own identity; yet operating as one. They all extend grace and peace. God extends grace and peace to you.
Can you, will you receive God’s grace?
What I believe about grace is that God would not send it if you did not need it. And, if we were not sinful, we wouldn’t need it. God would simply send His love and power.
Do you need God’s grace? Of course you do, the question is, how badly?
God’s unmerited favor toward you allows you to live as though you had never sinned. He looks upon you with the same feelings He has for His Son Jesus. That much ought to be evident to you by the Father’s willingness to send His Son as propitiation for your sin in the first place.
God’s grace is God valuing you. He values you greatly. Do you value yourself the way God values you? Can you see your value to Him?
God did not send Jesus to die because of some idealistic notion. He sent His Son because He values you with Him for eternity. He knows you one million years from now and cherishes the relationship He sees, that you do not know just yet.
“Grace to you” is so powerful because it declares another reality that supersedes the one we live in that is marred by sin. Grace is so strong that God calls for us to live today in this marred world with a trust in His promise of a future life.
Grace is like binoculars which allow us to see something distant.
Suppose you were on a voyage to a new land. The ship has been beaten and buffeted by waves of adversity. Having been on the voyage for so long the food is almost gone, water is on short supply. Hoping and waiting for the sight of land. Grace is raising the binoculars to see rich fertile land filling the sight.

Look through the grace given to you, and you will see something further out. The sea glass requires that you look through it, closing the other eye to this world. You have to squint at times to make sure that you are only seeing what is out there in front of you, what you are heading toward.
Look at the grace God sends you! Look through the grace God sends you, what do you see?
I see a gracious Father, who welcomes us to Himself. Yes, the one who was, is and is to come. I see the Holy Spirit of God filling us all to over-flowing with the nature and heart of God. I see Jesus, happy and glad He did what He did for our benefit, and God’s.
Oh yes! Grace and peace to you!
Father, thank You for grace. The wonderful fullness of love that we can feel and live in. We praise You today for Your wonderful heart that extends to us grace and peace. Today we live in the atmosphere of grace, and You give us the reality of what life will be like forever. All because of Your Son Jesus who died for us. Thank You Lord Jesus for the great gift of grace. We will celebrate forever Lord.
Pastor D