So far, we have journeyed through care and trust. Care being the foundation and trust being a byproduct of care.
I would like to note that each of these steppingstones to true love are specifically demonstrated by Jesus.
Care is certainly seen by Jesus when He picked up a basin and washed the disciple’s feet.
John 13:4–5 (ESV): He laid aside his outer garments, and taking a towel, tied it around his waist. 5 Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him.
What an amazing and remarkable demonstration of care. Could you imagine any world leader today kneeling before dirty fishermen and washing their feet?
Yes, we talked about care, and then we talked about trust. Trust is formed through consistent care. Jesus also demonstrated trust, notice this.
John 15:15 (ESV): No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.
In this astonishing passage, Jesus lays the mystery of the Gospel into the hands of the Apostles. The spreading of the good news will be through their ministry. Jesus trusts them.
Well, there is more. There is a byproduct of care and trust.
Don’t forget we are on our way to true love. So many believe that true love naturally flows when two people simply “love” each other. Well, I am not referring to a warm fuzzy kind of love. I am referring to a sustaining powerful, life holding and life changing love. A kind of love that originated in the heart of God. Actually this is the love that is who God is.
The next phase of building true love is “better together.”
When two people trust each other because of a history of care, they will do things together. Now that may not be earth shattering to you, but the thing is it is quite remarkable. Those who care and trust, will want to do things together.
These two will begin to gravitate toward each other and will begin to see the future through the eyes of one. Oh yes! Better together!
What sweet dying takes place on this journey. What amazing observation and studying of the other. What appreciation and inquiry. What a sweet invitation from both, to the other, to agree to, “Come on in, let’s do this together.”
Jesus, with His great power, lived this way with the Apostles. He was so very vulnerable with them and invited them to be better together.
John 15:4 (ESV): Abide in me, and I in you.
How are you at being better together? Frankly, it is what you were made for. You were made by God to exist in sweet community with other people. Let’s lean in.
Father, thank You for who You are. You invite us into fellowship with You. Lord, we get to do stuff with You. You invite us into Your master plan for the universe. And, we get to see who You are as we focus on Jesus. And then, if we are willing, You plant more and more of Your nature into us through the Holy Spirit. We praise You today Lord, for Your ways which are higher than ours. Thank You for Jesus and all that He has done for us.
Pastor D